ANC MP Xiaomei Havard “Most Likely” a Chinese Spy for CCP, but Will Anything be Done or is CCP Influence too Strong?

Unemployment in Socialist SA hits 44.4% including those who don’t want to work, which apparently contributes to Riots and looting!

Emigration Tax? ANC Regime to Charge Emigrating South Africans an Additional “Exit Tax” on Retirement Funds!

#Gupta 2.0 – Harith, New Owner of SAA Set up by Mbeki Ramaphosa Faction Using Government Pension Funds?

#Dirkiesdorp’s “Zimbabwe Narrative”! Gupta Style Indian Mining Group Atha Africa Assisted & Incited Blacks To Protest Violently Against Farmers!

Fitch Rating Agency Warns ANC Regime over Uncontrolled Spending and Unproductive Public Sector Salaries!